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Formatting activity



Read the following text and choose the correctly formatted citations to complete the sentence.

A combination of treatments for eating disorders produces "faster recovery times and lower relapse rates"

Beaumont suggests that a combination of treatments for eating disorders produces "faster recovery times and lower relapse rates" (p. 81).

According to Beaumont (2000) a combination of treatments for eating disorders produces "faster recovery times and lower relapse rates"

It is argued that leadership is integral to effective teamwork. [Linking word: For example], Rowlings (2009),[Reporting word: maintains] that the [Paraphrases: leadership role is the most significant factor in team success, with direct links to team outcomes.] [Linking word: Similarly], Fender (2010) [Reporting verbs: claims] it is the team leader who "[Quote: creates team success by maintaining the focus and motivation of team members]" (p.62). [Linking word: In addition], it is argued that [Paraphrases: the leader or manager is responsible for ensuring that all team members understand their role in the group, leading to successful task completion](Keeley, 2010; Singh & Lyons, 2009). [Linking word: Thus], [Student analysis: it appears that the leadership role is significant in determining the success of a team.]